CIS Junior Italian Poetry Competition
Benvenuti al concorso!
Recitation is a highly valuable experience in language learning and this competition is an excellent way to enrich the study of Italian language and culture.
Students are expected to memorise their chosen poem and no props or actions are to be used. Judges will assess:
- Knowledge of the poem (including title and author)
- Pronunciation
- Intonation
- Appropriate expression
- Gesture / eye contact
New this year:
1. Two Categories: There are two categories in the competition for each year level:
- In-person Performance: Students will recite their poem in front of the judges.
- Recorded Performance: Students can submit a video recording of their recitation.
2. Personalized Poems: Students can challenge themselves by reciting a poem with blanks that they can personalize with their own life experiences.
3. Flexible Judging Options: Schools can decide if the judges should visit their school, or they can opt to visit us. We will organize an excursion with activities and lunch at Brunetti Classico. Judges will visit schools with a minimum of 25 participants. Schools from regional Victoria are required to cover travel expenses.

2024 dates
Monday 19th August – Friday 6th September
Prizes are awarded for the first, second and third in each category (Year 7 live performance and recorded performance; Year 8 performance and recorded performance), and Special Mention Certificates are presented to students outstanding in their presentation.
Participation Certificates will be provided to all participating students.
The following scoring system will continue to be used for each poem to differentiate the level of difficulty and encourage students to challenge themselves:
3p = 3 points (most difficult)
2p = 2 points
1p = 1 point
The participation fee for each student is $8.00. You can pay via bank transfer by emailing [email protected] to request an invoice. No money will be handled on the day of the competition.
Click the link below to download an enrolment form.
Once completed, email [email protected].
The Poems
Year 7
Listen to a recitation of the poems:
- L'ultima foglia - di Maria Loretta Giraldo
- Non si dicono bugie - di Gianluca Cosi
- Amici - di Jolanda Restano
- Personalised Poem
Year 8
Listen to a recitation of the poems:
- 7, 14, 21, 28 - di Jolanda Restano
- Che bello fare picnic - di Jolanda Restano
- Il gioco - di Alessia de Falco e Matteo Princivalle
- Personalised Poem
CIS Italian Poetry Competition Committee (Elio, Jene', Carla, Serena and Stella)
(03) 9347 9144
[email protected]